Artist Statement

My creative ambition is to reflect. Observing internally and externally, a double-sided mirror sits in my chest. Relationships rule over how I view reality, and I particularly value interpersonal relationships. Identity rules over how I introspectively function with memory at the helm. Finding purpose in expression, I create art to connect with others. Fighting with duality and paradox, I preserve what is communicable to society in my mental mess. A paradigm shift in my thinking often results in a finished piece. My interest in psychology drives this change and experimentation within my art. Even in preparation for creation, I discuss my ideas with friends, family, and peers. Their filter often helps me direct my intentions.

            As the Bible reads, be in the world but not of it. I function between earthly reality and spiritual reality. Looking vertically in art has been historically looking to the heavens. Contemporarily, I see the beauty of God in those around me. My perspective as a believer frequently touches on the spiritual element of human nature. Subsequently, I must take a leap of courage and claim the influence of faith on my art. The lens I look through often immediately divides my mind to black and white. But the grey comes when I explore the color and complexity of the world. My art is a constant state of growth and the roots I have in my previous process help me in the journey. Process has become important to me, caring more for what I learn than the result. In turn, I am processing mentally and physically. Stepping outside of myself, I see all the wonders I created unintentionally, but the wonders God created intentionally. Subjectivity is my end just as reflecting is my beginning.